The youth at Shalom church in Brancaccio have been preparing for a youth Sunday since January. It was held March 15 with a fellowship dinner following the service. After careful preparation, the youth were responsible for the entire service. Shawn helped with the song service, and I was the camera woman. (I didn’t play with the zoom as much and the picture was much better.) The youth alternated responsibility from the first greeting to the reading of the day’s Scripture passage to the message itself. They even had a skit that corresponded with the sermon. I was very proud of the time and effort that they put into the service and hope they will continue to find ways to serve and be a blessing to others.
We also enjoyed a delicious dinner afterward with each family bringing in a main dish. We were invited to share lasagna with the youth leaders at their table. Unfortunately, we forgot the cardinal rule at church dinners - “leave a little room in your tummy or food on your plate.” Shawn had a very large second helping of lasagna followed by steak and potatoes, and chicken breast with mushrooms. He couldn’t finish it all, but made a valiant attempt. I sampled everything I was given, but had to leave food as well. Sicilians are fantastic cooks and always want to make sure you don’t go hungry. (We haven’t yet.) After the meal, instead of a nap the guys watched the Palermo vs Lecce soccer game, while the girls chatted and waited for the game to be finished. We had dessert during the game, even though everyone was still a bit full. The strong Italian coffee with the cake and cookies helped the sleepiness a little, but we were still in need of a nap after the day was finished.
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