Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bari Christmas with friends

We were able to get away for a couple days at Christmas and enjoy some fellowship with some missionaries from Bari and Montenegro. Many of our friends here in Sicily had family activities planned, so we decided to be with our missionary "family" and renew some friendships as well. We enjoyed a sumptuous meal with some of the church folks on Christmas eve. We had a main dish with rice, potatoes, and mussels, followed by some lamb and assorted grilled meats, and salad, which included carrots only found in that region. They were purple and yellow and sweeter than the orange ones. We also had fried carcofi (artichokes) which were delicious and a russian salad in the shape of a fish (a type of potato salad). That night included many stories swapped, games played, and a toast at midnight to celebrate Christmas.
Christmas day was relaxed, with gifts exchanged with our host family, their kids were very patient while the adults got ready and had a light breakfast and coffee. Then we joined the other family who was hosting our friends from Montenegro for lunch. Lasagna and vegetables were on the menu followed by a mountain of cookies, baked by one of the kids home for school vacation. There was a puzzle that was keeping everyone occupied at one point or another, and more games. We also got to call family from the States and wish them a "Merry Christmas".
Friday was a day to relaxe, and we had a devotional and time of singing and sharing of prayer concerns. It was such an encouragement to be with those that have been serving in the culture longer and hear how they handle different situations. Later that evening we watched a movie and snacked for dinner on popcorn, roasted chestnuts and fruit. (Being underfed was not a problem.) We were refreshed, by the fellowship, and appreciated being "family" with our own so far away.
Coming back on Saturday we were invited for pizza and games at a friend's house. We enjoyed catching up with friends we hadn't seen in a while as well as those who had finished Christmas with their families. We played the Italian version of Scattergories and my score was one of the highest. Pretty good for someone who doesn't speak Italian very well yet.
(Photos include: friends of my husband's, the russian salad, cute little boy, and our host family at the Christmas eve dinner.)


gregdebbiecorychad said...

Thank you for sharing your Christmas with us! It is so very interesting and you have obviously made some wonderful friends! Thanks for keeping up your blogs!